Collection: For children

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It is obligatory for us Muslims to teach our children prayer and Arabic to give them the necessary tools to grow and draw closer to Allah, the Generous.

The History of Islamic Prayer Mats :

Prayer Mats have been used since their inception in early Islam, and prayer mats (known in Arabic as sajjada) have been an essential element of Islamic worship. From their debut during Mecca times until today's innovation with bright prayer mats that combine tradition with cutting-edge technologies - prayer mats have long been considered integral parts of religious practice and worship for Muslims worldwide. Initially made from simple materials like grass or wool woven together into mats with intricate designs or higher quality materials; over time, their use has expanded exponentially with elaborate designs or higher quality materials being employed incorporating intricate designs and higher quality materials with designs, more intricate designs being introduced over time until today's introduction of smart prayer mats which combine traditional values with modern technology!

Islamic Importance of Prayer Mats:

Cleanliness and purity are of utmost importance in Islam, particularly during Salah. Prayer mats ensure worshippers have a clean surface free from impurities to perform their prayers on. Furthermore, their presence serves to maintain the sanctity of prayer spaces - acting as an ever-present reminder of its significance for Muslim lives - with their directional markers leading worshipers toward Qibla - Mecca's Kaaba, which serves as an essential landmark in Islamic prayer - through their Qibla.

Muslimtech introduces electronic mats for children designed to improve children's prayer. Equipped with advanced features such as

  • Digital displays

  • Sensor-guided 

  • Prayer steps 

  • Educational tools for learning

  • Appropriate postures 

  • Recitations

 the integration of technology in these mats aims to assist both newcomers to worship as well as veteran devotees in performing their prayers with precision and mindfulness.

Elecronic mats offer many advantages that make them user-friendly and highly beneficial; here are just a few:

Uses and Advantages:

1:Guidance for Beginners:

 For those new to Islam or young children learning how to pray, these Islamic electronic prayer mats offer step-by-step instructions that make learning and memorising prayer routines easier.

2:Enhance Concentration:

 Sensor-guided features help maintain focus and concentration during prayer by ensuring each step is executed accurately.

3:Portability and Convenience:

Bright electronic prayer mats are lightweight and foldable, making them convenient to take anywhere - home, work or travel.

4:Educational Value:

They serve as an excellent way to teach the proper way of performing Salah, including its recitations and physical postures, thus building a deeper connection to faith.

5:Benificiery for Children:

The innovative prayer mats from Muslimtech benefit children, offering a blend of technology and Islamic education. These mats provide interactive guidance through prayer steps, making it easier for children to learn and perform Salah accurately. With visual and auditory cues, the mats engage children in a fun and educational manner, teaching them the correct postures and recitations. This not only fosters a deeper understanding of Islamic practices from a young age but also instils discipline and mindfulness in their daily routines. Additionally, the educational aspect of these mats helps children develop a solid connection to their faith, making learning about Islam enjoyable and accessible.

Discover Muslimtech's selection of electronic prayer mats for children and kid electronic photonic Arabic language designed to enhance the prayer experience for Muslims worldwide. Our innovative Islamic prayer mats, Muslim prayer mats and Arabic electronic reading books combine modern technology with traditional practices. These mats offer features like guided prayer steps, accurate Qibla direction and digital displays to facilitate Salah with precision and ease. We offer advanced electronic prayer mats that are the ideal way to engage with Islamic teachings and enhance your Salah experience, no matter whether you are an experienced worshipper or new to Islam Shop Now and Experience spiritual freedom today through Muslimtech advanced prayer mats!